blueplus CalHyp-o-sticks 300gr stick - 900gr



  • To be used as a very fast and effective disinfectant for your pool water
  • This product is ideal for shock treatment and long-term disinfection
  • CALHYP-O kills bacteria, viruses, fungi, and algae, keeping your pool clean
  • CALHYP-O is non-stabilized and does not contain the stabilizing substance ISO
    Cyanuric Acid, making it suitable for use with an automatic dosing system.
  • The product dissolves quickly and works immediately
  • It is highly efficient with soft to medium-soft water; in hard water, calcium salt deposits
    may form, reducing the effectiveness of pool filters
  • In areas with hard water, the calcium levels in the pool should be reduced using the
    product ANTI-CAL
  • For optimal performance, the pH level in the pool water should be between 7.2 and 7.6


Description UN
BE2023-0010-03-13 (DK) 925-1-3-5 (SE) 5735-3-3 (NO) NO-2023-0242 1-3
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