B+ InverSilence filter pump


  • In order to run heavy applications such as backwash, pool owners have had to endure years of high noise levels of more than 70 dBA (@1m) from their oversized pool pump. According to scientific research, more than 60 dBA already equals noise. In the long run, people in the vicinity of more than 70 dBA would feel irritated, distracted and the auditory nerve may even suffer some degree of damage, especially in children.
  • To solve this problem, bluedrops has been working on developing a solution since 2017. Finally, 2020 saw the successful launch of Inver Silence Technology: the first core technology in pump applications to address noise and electricity consumption. 
  • Bluedrops' Inver Silence Technology generates 16,000 calculations per second, with each core component as well as the motor being precisely controlled for optimal quiet performance. 


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